UPDATE 08/30/24

The world is finally listening so first and foremost, THANK YOU!!!

The InTouch article was amazing and truly an effort to help. We (her friends) are worried for her and especially, Roman! They are just scratching the surface but know there will be more.

Through this site and countless sleuths out there, we have daily stories coming through about her designer drug use in Europe (and the U.S.), confirmed receipts from her past madam with proof that she is an escort and has been for many years (more to come), the fact that she lied to the police about an “air tag”, and most of all…she has repeatedly threatened her clients/wealthy boyfriends with leaked stories of abuse if they didn’t keep her paid. These are all behaviors of a mentally unwell person that not only lies, but cannot help themselves. Jessica may not see it, but we are all trying to help her.

This article aligns with the extremely questionable behavior Jessica has exhibited, that caused us such concern in the first place. And, it doesn’t even touch on the fact that we have PROOF of international crimes — and, that’s she’s threatened to release fake content about alleged abuse since she was with Roman’s dad. I’ve been around fraud before so I know it when I see it. She needs help and frankly, that starts by owning her own behaviors.

The cracks in her facade are showing. It’s all falling apart.

UPDATE 08/19/24

Wow – things are heating up around all of this!!! What started as a small, last ditch effort to help Jessica has turned into a pretty significant international issue. Just for perspective, in the first 2 weeks I had 11 emails…in the last week there have been over 200!!!

I always knew that Jessica would be famous, but this is infamy. It was pointed out to me that there have been rumors and speculation about her being a high level escort since around 2020, but after all the details we got in the last week, it’s bigger and more profound than I could fathom.

I had no idea who Black Coffee was but boy was I wrong! The videos with him alone have been everywhere and I’m hearing that he knew exactly who she was. Also, out of respect for the privacy of some of the whistleblowers, I’m limiting some digital content but the bottom line is, Jessica has been using her “acting” money for lattes…I now know how she has been living this lifestyle all these years and why powerful men are afraid to speak out.

The only new update I’ll share is that there was a story Jessica had placed in an online tabloid that suggested she was being followed – and if true, that is terrifying and unacceptable; however, I got a message from another “model” friend of hers that told me that not only did she make that up (false police reports are a crime) to undermine all of the truth coming out about her, but there was nothing found by local police when they searched and they were frustrated. Again, this is from a “friend” of hers but it sure looks like her behavior is catching up to her. When you deceive people for so long, it all comes down at some point.


Now it all sadly, makes perfect sense. Jessica Serfaty is an actual prostitute!!!!!

Since this page launched there has been an enormous surge in information about Jessica and her behavior. After we posted the videos we received with her in Ibiza with Black Coffee, we got a series of screenshots from a woman who is VERY familiar with Jessica, her friend from the video, and her long history of being a high-end escort.

How does she know this? Well, she is also an escort/prostitute and has worked with Jessica for years, and knows definitively that Black Coffee hired her.

Frankly, this all makes so much more sense and is all the more sad. Her fake abuse claims and marriage scams have not only been around since childhood, it has been her M.O. on the high end escort circuit for years. She has other billionaire victims too.

She uses her “Days Of Our Lives” job as a marketing tool and literally tells clients they can pay to sleep with a star.

Please see the screenshots below. The woman that reached out made it very clear that she has tons of proof and will share more. This is about to break wide open.

Here is the exchange with another professional and “partner” of Jessica’s on jobs over the years. Poor Roman. These poor men who see a beautiful smile and fall into her trap. This just keeps getting crazier.

Let me start by saying that I cannot believe the gratitude I have that people are responding and sharing support. Again, this is an intervention, not an attack but until Jessica makes some changes and actually prioritizes being a mother and sober, this will continue to grow. Thank you all for the support and while there are certainly some people that disagree with my approach, there are countless more that support it.

Just last night I received some pretty alarming news that Jessica already has a new target. I guess he’s a singer or something but he is called Black Coffee.

Apparently, Jessica wasted no time at all lol…she went straight to Ibiza and people sent me the following videos. The individual that sent it wanted to remain anonymous but shared that she was quick to jump into a van with 10 men (no women) and was heavily inebriated. I’m told in Ibiza she’s a constantly using Molly and as this person put it “wastes no time grinding on any man that will pay attention to her.”

See below but Black Coffee wastes no time in these videos and neither does Jessica. It’s sad but again, this pattern has never stopped but at least people are seeing it. Wonder how long until she claims he abused her too. Be careful Black Coffee… you’re next.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
Video 9
Video 10

Update from an assistant of Niall’s.

I must say, this link was sent to me and my group text by a friend that was in on our ANTN fangirl thread and it immediately filled me with trauma. Not one of my mates on this thread even know that in 2016/17 I was an assistant to Niall. While that was not necessarily a time I am proud of or want to remember, this ‘intervention’ link for Jessica Serfaty leveled me. We ALL dealt with this behavior and it is insane to see that it has continued.

I had no idea that she had this recent situation with her new boyfriend but I will tell you this, this exact same thing happened during a drunken fit she was having when she found out Niall was going to break up with her. I know, I was there. My job was to make sure that she was looked after when Niall was performing or working, but that became a true nightmare. She was a world class con back then and sure, it was fueled by alcohol but she is just that, a con. She would manipulate him, all of us behind this poor southern kid act, but she was very conniving and calculated and if she was drinking, she was cold and sociopathic, and her southern accent was in full effect.

Now, we all knew she was a problem, but Niall liked her and couldn’t see what we all saw, until he did. We literally caught her ‘rehearsing’ an “I was abused” message into her phone. She had tears, emotion, etc and it was jarring. She claimed it was her working on a monologue for an acting class but she used Niall’s name and we made her delete it. I only share this because her little performance that went viral was the exact same monologue!! The moment I saw it filled me with rage. I knew right then that she was planning something like this for Niall and that this new guy was getting set up!! That moment we caught her changed everything and Niall knew something was off but we caught her and it feels like we stopped him from getting caught in a lie that would’ve ruined him. It gives me chills.

Regardless, I know we all would talk about how dangerous she was and I’m shocked that she’s made it this far but I guess it’s just how good an actress she is. I feel for this guy she did this to and I hope he runs far away but when I saw that this was something she’s done forever, it made me sad for her son and the people around her. I guarantee there are others but wanted to share this little glimpse. By the way, we knew then that the Directioners were turning on her, which is why she never followed through I’m sure, but if they all knew what she was planning to do, it would change all of this…maybe now they will…

I came across an article regarding Jessica Serfaty’s allegations against her fiance last week, and I knew that enough was enough. This has been a long time coming and for context, I have remained a loyal friend to her for nearly two decades, but she has betrayed her faith, her family, our community, and recently, me. The Watters and Michel families are good families with strong faith, but this is our only chance for an intervention and like turning a family member into the police for breaking the law, this is my attempt to stop her from hurting literally everyone in her wake. She betrayed her faith, period.

Since we were kids, Jessica has used an absolute litany of manipulative tactics, to extort, scare, and fleece people enamored by her. Only once she got a taste of fame did her focus become famous and wealthy individuals. Like a petty criminal, her skills have sharpened and her targets grown in stature, but the pattern and path are the exact same…distract with my body and southern charm, weaponize my child and faith, while she cleans you out emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc.

The moment I saw the recent situation that involves what I hope is her now ex-fiance (for his sake), this is nothing different than what I’ve seen her do time and time again over the past seventeen years. This is the same toolkit/manipulation that makes her an exceptional actor and thief. For those of us who know her, she has a painfully obvious “tell” when she lies (if you know you know), but the moment she posted that video after he alleged abuse, a group of us all spoke and said the same thing…complete lie and her “tell” was fully on display…we all knew it immediately. Same Jessica, same evil strategy, different level and victim.

She’s been a snake from the beginning. Her path of destruction is littered with collateral damage; she’s a master manipulator. Just as she used her deceptive innocence and America’s Next Top Model to move up a rung from her life with Indidia and Roman, she now uses Instagram to project an image of abundance and innocence. Let’s not forget (again, if you know you know) how the situation with Indidia REALLY unfolded (cannot believe THAT story hasn’t broken) and good lord, Roman was leverage for her in utero and continues to this day. Her path has been calculated with that same precision since day one. Sure, like an addict, she gets clean every once in a while and regroups at home, but while the bandaid looks pretty, the illness was never treated. She leaves a ‘new woman’ and finds a new path.

But it couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s a fraud. Again, those of us who know can tell you about the multiple liens that have been placed on her businesses. When the money runs out, she moves back Arkansas from LA, or New York, or wherever, for the cycle to continue. This has happened so frequently it’s become an inside joke for our entire community, but it’s not funny and it needs to stop.

She “thanks God” for the men in her life while name dropping Ed Westwick, Niall Horan, Joe Jonas, the new billionaire victim, etc, but they are just targets for her. All powerful, talented, rich, famous, and able to ostensibly move her higher up in perceived social standing and bail her out of constant financial ruin. It’s insane that it has taken this long for us to come forward, but honestly, she had us under a bit of a spell too, but seeing that claim of abuse was the last straw. These “abuse” claims have been her model for years!

Let’s be honest, Jessica, you told us that Niall got you out of Arkansas and your responsibilities as a mother. And you literally told us that if it weren’t for the “psychopath Directioners” she would have stuck around to get a ring, it could’ve turned out a lot worse for him but he dodged a bullet. All the others simply placed her higher from D to C to B list and helped grow her Instagram following.

Her secret? How is someone like this able to get away with this?

Jessica understands that fame is fickle and her timeless beauty has a rapidly ticking clock..

She has the same moves each time. If her and her flavor of the month break up, she then uses her son as a tool, weaponizing him and saying how much her ex means to him as a “father figure.” The same son who she abandoned to pursue a more glamorous lifestyle in LA when he was a child.

And if this doesn’t work, she goes lower…abuse, assault, all the trigger words that can be weaponized. This recent abuse claim was exactly the same model and again, only the stakes are higher.

She threatens to “go public” with whatever fake charge she can come up with. Regardless of whether or not these things are true, people remember allegations — not rebuttals.

And Jessica knows this only too well. It seems her character on Days of Our Lives has taught her a thing or two, but let’s be honest, she shaped that character since she’s been doing this since youth group..

But unlike a soap opera, her actions have real life consequences and this recent event was triggering for the wrong reasons and for the wrong people…us, the people that have watching this for too long. Real families and real humans are being destroyed and that is not Christian or human…that is evil and it has to stop. If I don’t speak out then I am not practicing my faith and that stops now.

What I know is only a fraction of what’s out there. Frankly, I want this effort to be a place for accountability and the tools needed to stop and save her, Roman, and future victims. I know there are other people that want to help and sadly, this is the only way she will listen. We want Roman to have a mom and the people that love her to get their friend, sister, niece, cousin, etc. back. If you want to help, contact me here.

If she lives her life on social media, then we will use social media to save her.

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